Are no-inflation tires heavy and bumpy?

2022-11-11 09:47:14

The comfort that  No-inflation tires bring to car owners is also not only limited to when they are used. 

No-inflation tires have excellent wear and weather resistance, strong material stability, and basically maintenance-free, making the owner more comfortable and more worry-free, which is also a kind of light elastic tires can be compared to other tires to enhance the comfort of car owners.

Is the comfort of  no-inflation tires necessarily bad? In fact, far from it, light elastic tires use LCRB material and honeycomb pore structure, so that the tires are lighter and more stretchy at the same time, increasing tire elasticity, effectively reducing the discomfort of road bumps, experience a smoother and lighter travel.


The higher the elasticity of the tire, the more it can adapt and alleviate the impact, the light elasticity of the tire with superior performance to improve the cushioning during use, not only to enhance the owner's own comfort, but also to care for the vehicle's wheels by easing the impact encountered by the wheels during use.

In terms of comfort and safety, the No-inflation tires have significant advantages over the mainstream pneumatic tires and pneumatic tires currently on the market, taking into account the safety features of no-inflation tires that do not blow out, do not leak and are not afraid of punctures, and at the same time can bring consumers a lighter and more comfortable travel experience. No more heavy, no more bumps, light bouncy tires, for free pneumatic tires right name!

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